Thursday 27 April 2017

Let Your Packaging Market Your Product

Perhaps you have heard the expression, “You will never have a second chance to make a good first impression.” That is true for your business also. When customers receive a package, the first thing they notice is the box. Before they see they what’s inside, they get an impression of what the product is like from the packaging. Therefore, the right shipping boxes are important to your product brand. You want to package your product in the packaging material that will make your customer want to open the box. When they like your product, they will look forward to seeing that same box again. Studies have proven that customers make about one-third of their purchases because of the box the product is packaged in. 

Create a Good First Impression

The next decision to purchase your product will be an easy one if the product’s first impression matched the customer’s expectations. Understanding how customers select products because of their visual attraction to the packaging materials should encourage you to put more effort into selecting the right shipping boxes for your product. Prior to being able to examine your product, potential customers learn everything that they know about your company from the box your product comes packaged in. The quality of the package sends a message to the customer about the quality of the product inside.

Customers will be able to select your product from a wide range of options when it is successfully marketed by the packaging. Half of the sale is made when the packaging draws the customer to the product. Your brand logo and the material the product is packaged in work together to leave a lasting impression on your customers. You want your logo and the package to make the best impression possible. 

Focus on the Aesthetics

An attractive box will get a customer’s attention and draw them to the product. The customer will not realize how much they are affected by everything from shape of the box to the type of lettering that’s printed on the outside. The font style should be one that is read clearly from a distance. Graphics on the packaging should not be so busy that it distracts the customer and takes their attention away from the product. The colors used in the packaging are also important. Different colors say different things to different people. You will want to use the colors that are best suited for your product. 

There are many options available when it comes to choosing the type of packaging material for your product. You should choose a material that is not only attractive, but one that is durable enough to protect the product from damage. 

Be What's Trending Online

Studies reveal that young people share their purchases with online. By capitalizing on this fact you can create help a presence online for your product. When others see your product’s package in stores they will be able to relate it to what they have already seen posted on their friend’s social media page. Therefore, you want the image of the product that is circulated online to be positive. 


Choose the right packaging material to visually attract customers. Do some research to make sure your packaging materials are the perfect match for your product.